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The Mission

Get Money Out Of Politics!

It’s that simple. We have one goal, and just a few steps for getting there.


Stop Giving Money to Politicians.

Unless a politician is willing to make getting money out of politics their primary focus, do not expect them to deliver on any promises they make to you, the voter. Until we have campaign finance reform they will ALWAYS take care of their biggest donors, not you. Don’t be a sucker! Commit to supporting only those candidates who are fed up with corruption and promise to fight it at all costs. Only support candidates who refuse Super PAC and dark money, and who promise to end insider trading and corporate dealing in congress.


The Left and the Right Must Unite!

Stop hating your neighbor! Take a look at the data- we Americans agree on almost every issue. Stop playing into the hands of corporate America and corporate media. Unite with your community, whatever their party affiliation, to accomplish this one, huge goal. As the polling shows, the rest will fall into place. Make amends with your friends and family by planning a Unite Us event and spreading the word. 


Demand Ranked Choice Voting

How many times have you had to vote for “the lesser of two evils?” It’s high time we have more options that actually have a chance to win and represent us. Giving both parties some real competition from independents and outsiders will only make them fight harder for the changes we really want. Learn more about ranked choice voting.


Get News From Fact Based Sources

Absorbing news from social media, biased corporations and opinion shows has done unspeakable damage to the American electorate. Regulation will help this. In the meantime, stay away from the echo chamber and troll bots of social media. Look for help in choosing reliable sources on our Details and Resources pages.


Reinstate Media Regulations

The Fairness Doctrine of 1949 held news media accountable to accuracy and fairness for decades. It was foolishly discarded in 2011. Biased corporate media and unregulated social media are the vehicles through which we have been divided. Demand that The Fairness Doctrine be reinstated, revised to suit our digital age, and demand it is enforced.


Join Unite Us

You’re right to be fed up. We are too. By arguing with our fellow Americans about hot button, social issues that the majority of us actually agree on, we are just playing into the hands of our oppressors. The Unite Us movement is here to unify, educate, and mobilize all Americans against the biggest threat to our democracy- money in politics.

Towards a better union

Join The Fight