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This isn’t just about fairness and getting congress moving again. The corruption in our system is damaging lives, and ending them. It’s also destroying our democracy.

The influence of corporate money means that big chem and oil will always get away with polluting our back yards, our water and our skies.  It means that big tech will always get away with stealing our data, feeding us misinformation, and demoralizing our children. It means that big pharma will always get away with making billions a year by causing addiction epidemics and other deadly health scares.  It means that the US military will continually be sent off to fight pointless wars so that big defense contractors can keep making their billions, and so that our generals and politicians (who’ve lied to us from Vietnam through Iraq) can get rich sitting on the boards of those weapons companies after they retire from service.

The American Duopoly, which is the product of money in politics, is an endless cycle of the uber rich dolling out money to politicians, politicians doing the bidding of their donors, and politicians being very handsomely rewarded, both while they are in office and when they leave public service.  The media is right there too, in the middle of this circle, cashing in on every opportunity to feed the right and the left whatever sells and whatever will keep us glued to the news, which requires that we be in a constant state of anxiety and even anger.

Where are we in all of this? We are, to put it bluntly, right where the uber rich, big corporations, politicians and the media want us and NEED us to be- on the sidelines, throwing rocks at each other, believing far too much of what they feed us, and throwing money in their pots like a bunch of suckers.
Towards a better union

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