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The American Duopoly

American Duopoly
American politics have evolved into what is called a duopoly.

A duopoly is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.” That may sound harmless enough, but a duopoly is not a desirable system for us, the consumer, or in this case…the voter.  It’s the second worst market construct, right behind a monopoly, which in politics translates to an autocratic dictatorship (like what China, Russia, and North Korea endure).  A duopoly allows two entities (in this case the republican and democratic parties) to pretend to compete for dominance while actually being perfectly content to split the winnings so long as nothing really changes in the market.  In his podcast titled “America’s Hidden Duopoly,” Stephen Dubner put it perfectly: “Republicans and Democrats constitute a wildly successful industry that has colluded to kill off competition, stifle reform, and drive the country apart.”  In that podcast, Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter do an amazing job of explaining the duopoly of American politics, and all of its hazards and inequities.  It’s an essential listen for anyone wanting to understand why the country is so divided, and why we should unite to demand the reform we all want.

As it is, we voters in America are always trapped in the stands, watching these two sides play their roles in the theater of keeping us distracted from the status quo.  It’s time we stop to realize that it doesn’t matter which side wins these elections, and that unless we STOP SUPPORTING the cycle, nothing is ever going to change. 


Government Corruption

We need money out of politics so that we can break down this duopoly, get some legitimate 3rd, 4th, and 5th party candidates through Rank Choice Voting, and get the issues we care most about off of the sidelines and into the democratic process on Ballot Initiatives. 

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