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The Details

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Poll after poll after poll from vetted, nonpartisan institutions across the country show that American citizens largely agree on the major issues that we face today.

The Real Issue

If most of us agree on almost everything, and almost all of us agree on solutions to our biggest issues, why does it feel like the country should be split in half?
Corruption, Congress, and Stocks

Corruption, Congress, and Stocks

The laws that govern (or don’t) every aspect of a career in congress, from campaign trail to cushy corporate gigs post service, are set up to enrich elected officials, not to do right by you, the taxpayer. And your representatives in congress know it.
American Duopoly

The American Duopoly

Just like Coca Cola and Pepsi each benefit from sharing the title of beverage market king, Democrat and Republican politicians get rich by making sure they never give us what we really want.

The Damage

This isn’t just about fairness and getting congress moving again. The corruption in our system is damaging lives, and ending them. It’s also destroying our democracy.

Private Equity and LBO’s

Since the 1970’s the US government has given more and more shelter and leeway to private equity firms, which increasingly buy up and devour healthy companies, diverting the efforts of hard-working Americans to their executive’s and shareholder’s pockets. 

Towards a better union

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